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More Blowout mail and group break reminder

Q:  How many Jake Long cards do you need?
A:  all of them.  Or, to paraphrase Tom Brady, "What's your favorite Super Bowl ring?" "The next one."  Yep, I scored a deal I was happy with for this,
a 2008 Leaf Limited Slide Show autograph of Jake Long.  You can debate the merits of piling up hits of OL all you want, I just know that I like collecting the guy.  This goes along nicely with my Manningham of the same set:
and that means I'll probably try to get all the big Wolverines from that set like I am with the others, like the Letterman patch autos.
On a related note, by my count this gives me the following Jake Long stats:
  • 13 total hits
  • 6 autographs
  • 1 auto + "other" (the Slide Show)
  • 3 auto + one or more relics
  • 3 relics
Not too shabby.

Group break reminder:
As if you needed one, but since I only have four people who showed interest (one of whom has paid so far) I thought I'd give one more shout out before tomorrow's 11:59 PM EST payment deadline.  Details and stuff here.  Don't miss out--this break is once again entirely autographed patches, like-a so:
This shot reminds me that of the 50 cards from the break, 34 were of the numbered variety (24 #d /20, 10 #d /5), which is pretty ridiculous, especially when you consider some of the UN-numbered cards we got (Posey, Matusz, Castro, et al).  You WILL get your money's worth (and BA Benny WILL get his Ike Davis 1/1!).

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