After a bit of a lull in progress the new sculpts are back on track. Just heads, a few details and some sleeves left to do then it's off to the casters.
First up is Zeke, the smart zombie, again. Sleeves, face and gun details to go...and his fly. Do not let me forget to sculpt his fly.
Next is a thus far unamed merc with AA-12 shotgun. Miscellaneous details, a head and belt is all that's left.
Last but not least, we have another faceless/nameless survivor. This guy is special as his gun (you can see it in the background there...kind of) will be cast separately. So all you enterprising modellers out there can easily drop a different weapon in there. No extra work and I'm being as thorough as I can, trying different weapons from my own collection, to make it as universal as possible.
All told, it shouldn't take more than a week to get these finished so they should be released before Summer.
As always, any feedback welcome.
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