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Google Fu don't fail me now

So I built my unbuilt Fouga Magister and I'm planning on painting it up to represent the one flown by mercenary Joseph Deulin in support of Katanga in 1962. In looking for some new information about what the plane looked like I found this.

"Designed as a trainer, the Magister could also be fitted with two 7.5 mm MAC 52 machine guns in the nose, several combinations of underwing rocket pods or free-fall bombs, and even Nord AS.11 air-to-surface missiles. In many countries it was used as a light attack aircraft including Israel where it saw combat during the Six Day War in June 1967. A large number of Israeli Air Force Magisters were converted for ground attack duties and flew missions against Egyptian and Jordanian armoured forces during which they were credited with the destruction of 50 tanks and over 70 other armoured vehicles for the loss of only seven of their own number. One Magister was even credited with the air-to-air kill of a Mig 21. Attacked by the Mig, the Magister took evasive action by flying through canyons. The Mig followed but was unable to manoeuvre in the confined space and crashed, resulting in the Magister pilot receiving credit for the kill. Probably one of the more memorable uses of the aircraft in combat occurred during the 1962 Congo Crisis. A United Nations expeditionary force was sent to subdue Katanga (a separatist province of the former Belgian Congo) and in reply, three Magisters piloted by mercenaries were sent from Belgium to defend the province. One aircraft developed engine trouble and another crashed leaving a single Magister to provide all of Katanga's air cover. This lone aircraft, piloted by Belgian mercenary Lt. Joseph Deulin, strafed and bombed the UN forces resulting in the surrender of an Irish battalion and one of the few retreats ever by an Indian Ghurkha unit. While the UN withdrew to wait for member nations to provide enough airpower to face the lone Magister, Lt. Deulin destroyed several UN chartered aircraft in strafing runs and for several months, a single Magister held the international community at bay. Eventually it was destroyed in an air strike by Indian Canberra bombers, allowing the UN ground forces to advance and achieve victory. Historical accounts refer to the "feared" and "dreaded" Magister, earning this aircraft a significant place in aviation history. "

This is the website I found this quote at http://www.nzwarbirds.org.nz/fougaa.html.

I wish every Google search I ever did came up with a cool story like that.

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