Hard Work And Responsibility...
Each day has its own troubles!
Each day has its own blessings!
Being a Proverbs Women can be daunting...
But the one scripture that always gives me hope is this one,
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman
~Proverbs 31:30
When I realized what would give my marriage real depth,
And honor and love and commitment would be my character:
When we are learning to trust and fear the Lord daily;
We get our eyes off all that we can't get done in a day!
You and I may not be able to match the work level of the Proverbs 31 woman!
But we can have her character...
No matter are age or ability or finances,
We can be faithful
We can be supportive
We can be sensitive to the Spirit!
We can be responsive to our Husband's needs!
(He has some)
We can become observant to prayer needs!
We can fill our Homes with creative ideas!
(In lovely decor and food that lifts the heart)
Loving in ways that show we care
Love is a verb; to show action
I think that hard work and taking responsibility is how;
We learn and grow in Godly character!
It is about whatever we set our hands to that we do well!
When we make a bed or set the table for a meal;
We can be a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman.
Character is what fearing the Lord can look like!
We do it because He has given us the very Home as our sphere!
A good wife and woman does not do everything perfectly;
But rather she does her portion;
She asks God for His strength to do it with love and care...
A Good Wife, and woman is something every woman should hope to become;
As the scripture tells us this;
Charm is deceptive
Beauty is fleeting
But a woman who loves and fears the Lord
(Trains herself to resemble more of His character...)
I want to encourage each of us, even myself today;
May we look well to our hearts and our home;
We can make a joyous resolve to worship in all our tasks at hand!
Make a lovely meal or dessert today
Take a lovely photo for your next blog post!
Make a plan for a valentine craft!
Go to the library and bring home some books that will inspire you!
Take a walk!
Start a new Bible study for these long winter mornings!
Is there something that you are doing to encourage yourself
In the Lord?
Please share a thought or idea with us!
We long to grow in character and worth!
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